6 months ago
August 19th, 2024 - Release Notes 35.6
- Budget Alerts may now be applied using both Account Family and Project Code in addition to Account:
- The User Email of the user ID that is currently logged in to CloudCheckr is now displayed at the menu top.
- Azure BPC now supports 'Microsoft Defender for Cloud' BPCs.
- Extended current AWS Cost Alert API Call support to also support creating, modifying, and deleting Azure Cost Alerts.
Bug Fixes
- Addressed an issue where AWS Change Monitoring did not match CloudTrail Events.
- Solved an issue where the CSV Export for AWS | MAV List of EC2-VPC Security Groups Report was ignoring the report configuration / export options.
- Resolved an issue where new Payee Accounts were not being placed in the same group as parent group despite being configured to do so.
- Addressed a case where the Azure Reserved Instance Billing Configuration page did not load.