December 21st, 2023 – Release Notes 33.3
Support phone number change!
The previous number will not work after December 31, 2023; please update your records accordingly.
NEW: Copy CUR Functionality
We’ve added a new ability to copy billing data from CloudCheckr to an S3 bucket in CUR format, in addition to the legacy DBR format.
This report allows you to create a copy of the payer CUR, or subset of charges from your AWS Bill for a specific Payee including any adjustments specified in CloudCheckr, and copy that file into a selected S3 bucket.
The application will generate a new file based on the CloudCheckr Custom Cost (List) every time it ingests new data from the Payer’s AWS Bill of a given Billing Period, and copy that file into your selected S3 bucket.
To use Copy CUR, navigate to the Billing > Files > Copy Billing Data
The grid lists each of the Payees for the selected consolidated billing family. If you would like to publish the charges for a selected payee:
- Select a payee from the list
- Select a file format option
- Specify the S3 Bucket where you want the file to be copied
- Attach a bucket policy to your AWS credentials that allows you to read and write to the selected S3 Bucket
- We’ve restored the legacy “Exclude Credits” checkbox in Advanced Grouping, now called “Exclude Charges less than $0” as this was the actual behavior. This legacy checkbox implies that Tax Refunds, reported by AWS as a negative value, are withheld from customers if the legacy “Exclude Credits” checkbox is selected.
Monthly Advanced Grouping Saved Filter emails can now be configured to be sent on a particular date of the month, and also to only be sent after a month finalizes, if desired. Navigate to Account Configuration at the top right of the screen and select Email Settings.
- This allows you to ensure that all Advanced Grouping Saved Filters that are configured to have an email report sent monthly will wait until a specific date or wait until the bill has been finalized if you have configured this to be a date after AWS might close their billing. If this is not configured you should expect to see saved filters emailed on the first of the month.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue in Advanced Grouping where Tagged costs appear were being written to ‘none’
- Fixed an issue where CSV exports in cases where <$0.01 charges are being excluded from the CSV export were not matching the UI
- Resolved an edge case related to job timing where L2s were not reloading automatically after the L1 reloaded successfully
- Resolved an edge case where Azure billing ingestion was intermittently unsuccessful
- Savings Plan Analytics historical data is now populating correctly