2 months ago
December 6th, 2024 - Release Notes 37.1
Enhanced the “Generate Unique Invoice ID” workflow options to support suppress or show the Unique Invoice ID, as well as to allow the user to enter a custom Invoice ID of their choosing:
- Unchecked - Do not show Unique Invoice ID label and Value is blank (Default value)
Checked - Show text box that populates Random value with description or help icon that describes that user can enter the value of their choice
The get_invoice_v2 API now supports enable/suppress the Unique Invoice ID
- show_unique_invoice_id : true/false - optional
- unique_invoice_id : alphanumeric should be between 1-10 character - optional
- Users may now optionally decide Inherit / not Inherit Tags from Payer to Payee at the Project level
- Azure Savings Plan purchases for Legacy and Modern CSP are now captured and reported in Advanced Grouping and One Time Charge configuration pages
Bug Fixes
- Addressed an issue when the API call “get_detailed_billing_grouped_pdf” does not complete when using a CMx bearer token (worked with Core API key).
- Resolved an issue preventing the AWS List of Workspaces inventory report from successfully reporting, only when the Directory Type is reported as null from AWS.
- Fixed an issue with Cost BI | Export which indicated that certain email addresses are invalid when they are a functional email addresses.