2 years ago
February 7, 2023 - Release Notes
Improvements and Bug Fixes
- Azure RI Recommendations are now available for MCA & EA projects
- Added support for new AWS Region - Asia Pacific (Melbourne) - ap-southeast-4.
- Added summary charts by both tagged and untagged resources on the “ECS Task Definition Detail Report”, “List of DynamoDB Report”, and “List of S3 Report”.
- Added visibility into both tagged and untagged resources for AWS Elastic Container Services on “List of Elastic Container Service” report. CloudCheckr also added support for the ECS resource type in the “Tagged Resources” page.
- While in CMx, BPC filtered results do not honor the filter criteria when adjusting the number of results to display on the table. This now has been resolved.
- A horizontal scroll bar was erroneously present in dropdowns in Cost Allocator when viewed in CMx. This now has been resolved. Users may need to perform a hard refresh while on the page to see the update. Windows users can use the F5 key while targeting the browser to perform the hard refresh. Mac users can hit ⌘ + Shift + R while targeting the browser to perform a hard refresh.
- Dropdown arrow icons were missing in the Tag Mapping page when viewed in CMx. This now has been resolved. Users may need to perform a hard refresh while on the page to see the update.
- The BPC “Rotation Not Enabled For Customer Created CMKs For KMS Encryption” was giving false positives for customers regarding Asymmetric and External keys, which do not qualify for automatic rotation per AWS guidelines. This now has been resolved.