October 14, 2021 - Release Notes - Tags, Friendly names, and more!
Create custom cost dashboards using Tag Key-Value pair
CMx Dashboards now include the ability to group by or filter to one or many Tag Key-Value pairs. This allows you to generate unique cost-over-time reports by business unit, environment, project, and more using Tag Key combinations.
Grouping by a Tag Key generates a comparison of all associated values. From here, you can further refine the results by filtering down to particular Tag Key-Value pairs.
See your AWS Account Friendly Names in your Dashboards
Pair tag and property conditions using Tag Mapping CSV uploads
Using our Tag Mapping feature, you can direct the costs from specific tags or properties to a custom tagging structure, allowing you to more efficiently organize your costs, whether you have five for 5,000 tags in your cloud account. With this update, we've improved that bulk creation process, giving you the ability to pair tag conditions with property conditions using the CSV file upload.
Example upload:
We have also made improvements to errors when processing the CSV files. The row number and reason for any failures will be displayed at the end of the upload process, allowing you to identify what failed and why.
Updates to Advanced Grouping Monthly & Weekly Emails
We have improved the user experience when configuring emails within the Advanced Grouping report to ensure the proper settings are chosen. When aggregating your saved filter by week or month, you will no longer be able to save an incompatible daily email. If you do need a daily email, be sure to update your save filter to aggregate the data daily.
Please note that if you load an existing saved filter that has an incompatible email/aggregate filter, you will see a message to update and re-save your email settings.
Bug Fixes and Improvements
- AWS Account Friendly Names were not showing in some reports. fix
- Some payers were inadvertently classified as a payee. fix
- Some consolidated billing emails from MAVs were not being sent fix
- Improved resource inventory collection for the AWS China Region. improvement